Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fire in the distance

During the dry and windy summer months, the Western Cape is plagued by run-away fires. I heard on the news today, that fire fighters were keeping an eye on more than a hundred veld fires in the region. Earlier tonight, as I was watching television, I noticed a glow through the window and realised that the fire has spread to the mountains surrounding our town. This picture was taken from our balcony just a short while ago. Kind of scary!


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Simply WOW.

That photo truly captures the haunting effect of it.

Ann said...

Crumbs Karin....Run! hope you are all ok there, great shot!

brionyskerjance said...


Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Great photograph. Fire always make for awesome shots.
I heard on the news that this particular fire is quite bad with big parts of Stellenbosch being threatened.

Marcelle said...

I've heard all about the fires on our beautiful mountain's in Stellenbosh and Table Mountain, so sad yet this happens each year without fail...

Stunning photo, the glow is amazing...

Anonymous said...

It's very scary. Some of the guys in CT were chatting about it on Twitter last night.