We went camping at Yzerfontein this past long weekend and had an absolute blast. On Saturday we went searching for the last of the wild flowers and Henk took the opportunity to snap a few pics of me and the kids. I have almost NO photos of me and the kids together, so even though I despise being in front of the camera, it is nice to have these images and I think Henk did a great job of capturing us! Might I just add that minutes after these were taken we not only saw a scorpion, but also a puff adder. Nothing like taking a walk on the wild side, heh.
I just want to start off by saying that Blogger is driving me batty. I mean, how slow can you go?? Every single thing from uploading photos to commenting is taking absolutely bloody ages and its really testing my patience. And off course causes me to blog even less than I should... Anyway. We moved into our new house 6 weeks ago and its quite interesting exploring around the garden and trying to figure out what all the different plants are. It's also beautiful now that everything is exploding into colour and I must thank the previous owners for creating such a lovely garden.
So Joubert turned six last week, which not only means that he is getting scary big, but also that I am getting scary old (-;
After paging through my birthday cake recipe books, Joubert decided that he wanted a pirate party which is such a fun theme and I thoroughly enjoyed planning for it! The party was a great success with all the usual party treats, a pinata, jumping castle and Henk even agreed to dust off his old chest of tricks (he used to earn extra money by performing tricks at parties and restuarants when he was still studying) to entertain the boys. I must just add though that I had no idea 15 little boys could be quite that exhausing to supervise!!! Good grief, by the time the party ended Henk and I were both dead on our feet! But we had one very happy little boy, which makes it all more than worth it.
The "baby" of the house turned 3 on Monday and on Saturday, she had her first real birthday party with all the trimmings. She was so excited and had such a great time, I am really grateful that we were able to do this for her. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. I know I've said this before, but in many ways I still think of her as a baby. Clearly, that must stop now! And though it's very tempting to have another baby, I realise that no matter how many babies I have, they will all eventually grow up and rather deal with it now than coping with half a dozen children!